An Easy and Proven Way To

Keep Your Past Clients, Your SOI and Even New Prospects Coming Back To You With Little To No Effort!

If You Are Working Hard To Keep Past Clients Coming


  • Your Monday Morning Message is sent automatically and you do nothing.

  • Your clients receive current real estate information and perceive you as an expert.

  • Your clients are touched emotionally each and every week.

  • Your clients relate the great feelings they have every Monday morning to you.

  • Your clients share your Monday Morning Message, expanding your database.

  • Your clients look forward to Monday Morning because they love the stories.

  • You can use MyMondayMorningCoffee to Generate NEW LEADS too!

  • You are staying in front of your most important source of business.

"1 Acre Plus" Homeowners

REMOVE Your Buyers' Need to

Re-negotiate, ELIMINATE the # 1 Reason Most Buyers Terminate! Increase Chances to Reach a Successful Closing !.

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"My Monday Morning Coffee"

A Service of

Phone: (512) 844-3254

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